Blog AGC "Auto Generated Content" Yang Bermanfaat

Autocontent atau autoblog seringkali dianggap sebelah mata oleh banyak orang. Bahkan ada yang mencap para pelaku autocontent sebagai maling alias pencuri konten orang lain. Yah, tidak bisa disalahkan juga sih mengingat pelaku autocontent seringkali memang mencomot hasil karya orang lain tanpa memasukkan sumbernya. Jangankan link ke artikel aslinya, sekedar tulisanpun tidak ada.

Tapi bukan Lutvi namanya kalau tidak bisa melihat sisi lain di balik autocontent. Bagaimanapun hitamnya dunia autocontent, masih ada manfaat yang bisa kita petik dari sebuah blog autocontent. Kita bisa membangun web autocontent yang membawa manfaat bagi para pengunjung. Bukankah tujuan sebuah bisnis adalah memberi manfaat bagi orang lain?

Apa saja contohnya?

Apa sih contoh blog autocontent yang bermanfaat bagi pengunjung? Rata-rata autocontent kan gak manfaat. Cuma buang-buang waktu para peselancar saja.

Sebenarnya banyak kok web autocontent yang selama ini cukup membantu saya dalam bekerja.. hehehe.. yang paling sering saya pakai adalah web untuk melihat tersedia atau tidaknya suatu domain. Saya juga sering memakai web autocontent yang membantu saya melihat apakah sebuah domain memiliki PR yang valid atau fake. Bahkan web autocontent juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mengecek pemilik suatu domain, lokasi hostingnya dimana, dll.

Untuk free download misalnya, banyak web autocontent yang memberi list free download dengan penataan yang baik (walau banyak juga yang buruk). Web-web seperti ini kadang jadi rujukan saya juga hehehe…

Nah, jika anda ingin membangun sebuah web autocontent, cobalah pikirkan bagaimana agar autocontent anda tetap membahagiakan pengunjung web anda.

Blogger Template SimCleanear (Simple Clean & Clear)

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah... Satu template telah selesai dibuat oleh Blogger Tune-Up. Sebenarnya kurang begitu percaya diri Blogger Tune-Up mengeluarkan template untuk Blogger karena merasa bukanlah ahli apalagi spesialis template blogger. Tapi tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba mengeluarkan satu template yang dirancang oleh Blogger Tune-Up sebagai persembahan kepada para pembaca setia Blogger Tune-Up dan sekaligus ucapan terima kasih atas kesetiaannya untuk selalu berkunjung dan mendukung keberadaan Blogger Tune-Up. Selalu menyimak artikel demi artikel dan memberikan komentar-komentar membangun yang mampu memotivasi Blogger Tune-Up untuk terus berkarya dan menulis tips dan trik yang lebih baik. Membuat plugin-plugin jQuery yang lebih sempurna dan sederhana adalah keinginan Blogger Tune-Up dengan harapan para Blogger Indonesia mampu menunjukan pada dunia bahwa kita memiliki kelas sendiri yang unik dan berkwalitas.
Halaman Depan Blogger Template SimCleanear
Blogger Template Simple Clean & Clear ini merupakan hasil rancang bangun Blogger Tune-Up yang dipersembahkan secara gratis untuk seluruh blogger Indonesia pada umumnya dan pembaca setia Blogger Tune-Up pada khususnya. Lalu apa keutamaan (feature) yang disuguhkan dari Blogger Template Simple Clean & Clear ini?
Halaman Artikel Blogger Template SimCleanear

Keutamaan (feature) Blogger Template Simple Clean & Clear

  • Dari namanya bisa kita tebak yaitu sebuah template yang menyuguhkan kesederhanaan, kebersihan dan kemudahan
  • Karakternya sederhana tapi profesional
  • Sedikit sekali melibatkan gambar sehingga proses loading halaman lebih cepat
  • Cocok untuk blog yang berkarakter index, sitemap atau berupa daftar isi
  • Tabel sederhana yang sangat elegan dan profesional (tambahan)
  • Menggunakan framework jQuery dan JSON
  • jQuery Auto Image Caption yang secara otomatis membuat frame untuk gambar (tambahan)
  • jQuery Slick Tab yang membuat tampilan bawah artikel terlihat sederhana dan profesional
  • Terintegrasi fasilitas artikel terkait tanpa harus mengutak-atik kodenya lagi
  • Terintegrasi tombol berbagi yang mampu menghubungkan dan membagikan artikel kita pada berbagai layanan feed dan jejaring sosial
  • Terdiri dari 3 kolom dengan 2 sidebar kiri dan kanan
  • Terdiri dari 2 kolom footer yang cocok dan dirancang khusus sebagai tempat iklan
  • Terintegrasi statistik pengunjung yang sedang online, tombol bookmark, tanggal, dan fasilitas pencarian

Ketentuan Penggunaan Blogger Template Simple Clean & Clear

  • Template ini dibuat oleh Blogger Tune-Up di bawah lisensi Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
  • Tersedia dengan gratis tanpa harus membelinya atau tukar guling dengan apapun
  • Anda dapat menggunakan dan memodifikasinya sesuai keperluan anda tanpa batasan
  • Tidak diperkenankan membuang tautan kredit pada bagian bawah template dengan alasan apapun kecuali mendapat persetujuan dari Blogger Tune-Up sesuai perjanjian yang dibuat selanjutnya
  • Blogger Tune-Up tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan atau kesalahan yang terjadi kedepannya akibat dari penggunaan template ini
  • Blogger Tune-Up tidak bertanggung jawab jika suatu hari ada pihak yang menggugat anda karena penggunaan template ini

jQuery News Ticker Recent Post Plus Thumbnails

Source Code Untuk Blogger Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillah. Setelah melakukan trial and error yang cukup melelahkan, akhirnya blogger hack kali ini selesai dibuat dan Blogger Tune-Up persembahkan untuk para blogger. Blogger Tune-Up mendapat ide ini dari Blogger Plugins tentang gadget artikel terbaru yang mampu menampilkan gambar mini dan Ralf Geschke tentang News Ticker atau berita terbaru yang ditampilkan terus menerus dengan efek berjalan (slide). Dari kombinasi kedua script tersebut maka tersusunlah script kombinasi yang cukup menarik dan unik dan diberi nama jQuery News Ticker Recent Post Plus Thumbnails, berbasis JSON dan jQuery menjadikan gadget ini layak untuk teman-teman blogger coba. Tidak lupa Blogger Tune-Up sangat berharap kritik, saran, cacian, makian, donasi dan atau apapun bentuknya untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dan semua akan diterima dengan senang hati.

Gadget jQuery News Ticker Recent Post Plus Thumbnails

Langkah 1 Login ke Blogger
Langkah 2 Masuk ke "Rancangan - Elemen Laman"
Langkah 3 Klik "Tambah Gadget" baru dengan Type "HTML/JavaScript"
Langkah 4 Masukan (copypaste) kode dibawah ini:

<style type="text/css">
#rp_plus_img{height:212px;overflow:hidden;border:solid 1px #585858;padding:6px 10px 14px 5px;background-color:#2f2f2f;}
#rp_plus_img ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0}
#rp_plus_img li{border:0; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none;}
#rp_plus_img li{height:60px;padding:5px;list-style:none;}
#rp_plus_img a{color:#FFF;}
#rp_plus_img .news-title{display:block;font-weight:bold !important;margin-bottom:4px;font-size:11px;}
#rp_plus_img .news-text{display:block;font-size:11px;font-weight:normal !important;color:#DEDEDE;text-align:justify;}
#rp_plus_img img{float:left;margin-right:14px;padding:4px;border:solid 1px #585858;width:55px;height:55px;}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var speed = 400;
var pause = 2500;
interval = setInterval(rpnewsticker, pause);
<ul id="rp_plus_img"><script style="">
var numposts = 10;
var numchars = 125;
</script> <script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rpthumbnt"></script> </ul>

Judul Gadget terserah anda dan baca keterangan jika ingin memodifikasinya sesuai keinginan anda...
Langkah 5 Klik tombol "Simpan"
Keterangan: Perhatikan kode-kode pada Langkah 4!

  • Untuk membuang garis tepi ubahlah nilai 1px menjadi 0 pada kode border:solid 1px #585858; (Baris 2)
  • Untuk mengubah background ubahlah nilai #2f2f2f pada kode background-color:#2f2f2f; atau jika tidak ingin menggunakan background buanglah kode tersebut (Baris 2)
  • Untuk mengubah warna font judul artikel ubahlah nilai #FFF pada kode color:#FFF (Baris 6)
  • Untuk mengubah warna font artikel ubahlah nilai #DEDEDE pada kode color:#DEDEDE (Baris 8)
  • Untuk mengubah ukuran gambar mini ubahlah nilai 55px pada kode width:55px; dan kode height:55px; (Baris 9)
  • Jika template blog anda telah terpasang framework jQuery sebelumnya buanglah kode pemanggilan jQuery (Baris 11)
  • Ubahlah nilai 400 pada kode var speed = 400; untuk mengatur kecepatan (Baris 14)
  • Ubahlah nilai 2500 pada kode var pause = 2500; untuk mengatur lamanya artikel tersebut tertahan (pause) sebelum diganti artikel berikutnya (Baris 15)
  • Ubahlah nilai 10 pada kode var numposts = 10; untuk menentukan jumlah artikel yang akan ditampilkan (Baris 23)
  • Ubahlah nilai 125 pada kode var numchars = 125; untuk menentukan jumlah karakter artikel yang akan ditampilkan (Baris 24)
  • Feed harus diset "Penuh" melalui "Pengaturan - Feed Situs - Izinkan Feed Blog : Penuh"

News Ticker Recent PostDownload Source Code jQuery News Ticker Recent Post Plus Thumbnails

Free Typographic XHTML/CSS Layouts For Your Designs

In May we announced the Typographic Layout Design Contest that aimed to collect beautiful typographic (X)HTML+CSS-based layouts created by the design community and release them for free as a gift for the web design community. The response was overwhelming and we really had a hard time going through the designs, analyzing them and deciding which templates deserve the awards. Unfortunately, many templates were just copies of the current designer’s blog and some weren’t related to typography at all. So in the end many templates didn’t make it to this post.

However, we did receive a number of brilliant typographic templates that we are happy to release for free download and personal and commerical use as the gift for the web design community. We hope that these templates will help you to improve the quality of typography in your future designs!

Winner (1st place): T-20

T-20 [ preview | download ] "The Layout is following the rules of Grid-Based-Design and aesthetical and readable type. I also tried to make everything only with CSS. The Images have to be replaced – blank PSD-Files in different fitting sizes are also attached. I know you won’t take this but it was a good chance to try out some things I always wanted to make – and I will go on with this." Designed by Nikolaj Sokolowski from Bremen/Germany.

Winner (2nd place): Extreme Georgia

Extreme Georgia [ preview | download ] "I hand-in a single-page template for blogs. The title for this work is Extreme Georgia. It is 100% Georgia-based, and I am aware that it is a bit old-school. However, the design itselft reflect back the concept that I want to bring, which is, content is the king. I took into account the colors, whitespaces, line-height, font-size and also the content width for this design.

It might look plain, but it can be customized easily, let’s say, the color of the links, background image can be added later, and also the background colors. My work is heavily influenced by many designers, such as Jason Santa Maria, Jon Tangerine, Tim Van Damme, Khoi Vinh, and especially, the Georgia font which was designed by Matthew Carter. Without them, I wonder where could I be now in web design industry." Designed by Mohd Huzairy Mohd Rezuan from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Winner (3rd place): Experimental

Experimental [ preview 1 preview 2 | download ] "A minimal blog theme inspired in the Swiss Style of Design: It features Arial/Helvetica, grids, a generous use of whitespace for better readability and a strong focus in typography. The idea was to design an universal WordPress theme that’s focused on content and images, with an invisible, yet sleek design. Authors can modify the header as they wish, including images or playing with typography as in the example. this layout was coded using EMs, so it doesn’t break when you make text size changes in your browser. It’s an elastic design." Designed by Rodrigo Galindez from Argentina.

Greenie Theme

Greenie Theme [ preview | download ] "Greenie Theme is suitable for portfolio site, but can be used elsewhere where client needs to show his works. I used big typographic claim for catch users attention and other typo elements. Like its name, theme used fresh green color for main content page, and for background." Designed by Ondrej Lechan from Slovakia.

Shalom Typo

Shalom Typo [ preview | download ] Designed by David Hellmann from Cologne, Germany.

O’No! Typography

O’No! Typography [ preview | download ] "The idea behind the layout was to create something very simple, but very detailed and adaptable. Cufon is the driving force behind most of the type itself, even the body text, which means that it looks fantastic in all browsers – even ones which don’t usually bother to anti-alias. The adaptable-ness of the theme comes from the way in which the css classes are constructed. They’re designed to work together to form different boxes of text.

For example, the class=”box small left” would create a box spanning 1 column, with a background image to support the heading tag, and float to the left. A variation would be class=”big right” – which would create a box spanning 2 columns with no background image, float to the right, and eliminate any extra margins. This means that it’s really easy to adapt and change the layout to suit your needs, a few examples of which are included!" Designed by John O’Nolan from United Kingdom.

Typographic Times

Typographic Times [ preview | download ] "This was mostly motivated by my desire to play around a bit with @font-face, which I don’t usually get to do. I stumbled upon a lovely imitation of Bembo at Font Squirrel and based a lot of the design off its italic (though it works fine with Georgia as well). I knew I wanted to try to do something very clean and restrained, and decided on a news blog–typography themed, of course–and went from there. I took inspiration from a number of places, most strongly from (for the general page structure) and (for the top navigation)." Designed by Evan Hensleigh from United States.


Geotypisch [ preview | download ] "Pure CSS and XHTML, no images, no JavaScript. Fonts used are Georgia and Arial. This template contains 2 example posts, one with comments, a comment form and a sidebar. Boxes are build using the 16 column 960 grid system. " Designed by Otto Coster from Netherlands.


Megan [ preview | download ] "The basic idea behind this site design was to create a visually stimulating layout with typography. Because the site is to be used as a template I chose to layout the type in Times New Roman. I feel that as of lately I see the web-based font Georgia being used a lot and Times New Roman seemed to be a little more unique and has a lighter, more sophisticated feel. Also, keeping in mind that the design was for a template, I decided to make the background and type a neutral color and then accented it with a bold red/orange color.

I thought this way people could switch up their bold color to whatever they would like for easy customization. Another common theme carried out throughout the site design is the horizontal line element. This element is used in the navigation, to help break up blocks of information, and to underline words or links. Overall the idea was to create a template with an overall typographic foundation that could be easily customizable and I believe this design successfully does that." Designed by Megan Sullivan from Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.


Maintenance [ preview | download ] "Maintenance pages are never something that a person wants to see. By adding more elements (such as a timeline, alternate entertainment, and contact information), the page will be more interesting to view and thus make someone more likely to come back when the site is back. The idea of making it look like a card made it seem more like a noticed posted on an office door by a secretary that was using whatever was lying around." Designed by Ryan King from United States.

WP Typo

WP Typo [ preview | download ] "WP Typo is purely typographic, no images used whatsoever. There isn’t any grand ideology here, it’s just a simple and hopefully nice looking theme for sites where writing is the focus." Designed by Chris Coyier from United States.


theARTofTYPE Typography Blog Template [ preview | download ] "A Very Light Blog Template. " Designed by Jan Harold Diaz from Philippines.

David Kruger

David Kruger [ preview | download ] Designed by David Kruger from Paraguay.

Top Notch

Top Notch [ preview | download ] "I designed “Top Notch” as a template that would allow the end user feel like they were a part of a conversation." Designed by Garth Braithwaite from US.

Simple Type

Simple type [ preview | download ] "A minimalistic & typographic layout, based on a 960 pixels grid system." Designed by Ahmed Chergaoui from Agadir, Morocco.


Anticipated [ preview | download ] "A simple typographic portfolio template. " Designed by Markus Müller from Stuttgart, Germany.


MiniCon [ preview | download ] "Half minimalism and half contrasting colours, suited mainly for magazine type website but could be used for many other things too of course. My main inspirations were various WordPress themes and typography websites from smashing magazine’s collection of 100 wordpress themes for 2009 and It uses the 960 grid system CSS framework, Cufon text replacement and JQuery. The photos are from various free stock websites." Designed by Joe Brightwell from New Zealand.

The theme

Theme [ preview | download ] Designed by Leo DINH from Vietnam.

Typo E-mag

Typo E-mag [ preview | download ] "A nice typographic template, looks like a blog’s main page. Main features are: nice color scheme, nice typography, nice sidebar (some people like to say “widget ready”) and nice footer. I know that there are missing comments numbers, but who on the Earth does need comments? Main colors are #fff, #cfcfcf, #c40000, #666, and #444. Hope you like it. Yeah, and it’s my first template." Designed by Matej Grabovský from Czech Republic.


Luvbold [ preview | download ] "Simple and clean layout with bold and characteristic fonts." Designed by Wojtek Konieczny from Poland.

Happy Go Try

happy-go-try [ preview | download | release post of the WordPress theme (thanks, Alex Denning) ] "This theme is designed to be light-weight and flexible. It is based on a modified grid system. I believe it has potential for a number of types of websites. I’ve included the source .png file to make it easier for you to modify the color scheme as you see fit. No link-backs to my site are necessary, although I’d GREATLY appreciate if you’d email me a link to theme in action if you use it! Since it’s designed to be flexible, feel free to modify it to your needs and let me know how it works out!

I wanted to make my template light-weight and flexible. Standard HTML typography is used extensively to make it easy to edit, quick to load, and optimal for SEO. It’s based off of a modified grid to allow many different uses. In addition, I have included a rough fireworks source file to make it easier for users to change the color scheme. The name, happy-go-try, is an anagram of “typography” and is supposed to represent the light-weight, light-hearted approach I took with this simple, but flexible design." Designed by Tyler Dawson from Iowa City, IA, USA.

Thank you!

Congratulations to the winners of the contest – Nikolaj Sokolowski (Bremen, Germany), Mohd Huzairy Mohd Rezuan (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) and Rodrigo Galindez (Argentina) have already been contacted. We express sincere gratitude for all the great work of the designers who were featured in this post or submitted their work for this contest. We really appreciate your efforts and your good intentions! Thank you very much and please join in next time – more contests are coming soon!

Blog Random Background Colour

Berikut ini blog atau web yang memainkan berbagai warna background ketika reload atau refresh, "random background colour". Jadi ketika kita me-refresh atau mengklik sesuatu, background pada template tersebut akan berubah-ubah. "Random background colour" ini bisa menjadi pilihan menawan sebagai pertimbangan inspirasi.

Jason Bradbury

Tampaknya seorang yang memiliki cita rasa tinggi, hal ini terlihat dari tiap posting blognya, dan juga dari tampilan design blog yang menarik. Memang ketika kita membuka blog ini terasa berat, tapi saat blog tersebut terbuka penuh, layaknya sebuah mobil modifikasi, blog ini sudah di modifikasi dengan habis, kita hampir tidak lagi melihat tampilan standar pada blog yang berbasis WordPress ini. Blog ini begitu dinamis, jika kita klik salah satu link, terlihat background dan warna blog ini berubah-ubah. Permainan design, warna, flash, javascript, membuat blog ini layak dijadikan inspirasi untuk melakukan modifikasi web/blog.